Monday, November 27, 2006

The Latest Yakicukipuki News

In the last days I kind of gave up the blog. Here are some stats if you are interested:

Google has changed it's index several times. Yesterday I was the first, Paul was the second. Later some other pages were added at the top. But I'm still the number one! Sorry, some s p a m follows: yakicukipuki is the best, yakicukipuki is my favorite martial art. If you go in for yakicukipuki you can manifest all your dreams!

I should say, social websites like and are great to bring visitors to your website. But your site/blog must have value, so that the visitor returned later, and not just left the site after looking through it for 10 seconds. Google Analytics gives you such an information.

By the way, Google Analytics is a great toy! It generates a bunch of extremely useful graphs. If you'd like to have a look at the graphs you should have a Google account. Just email me your email address and I'll add you to the list of view-only users. My e-mail is


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